jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


Well... I have to say sorry, oh.
October has taken me out of all conexions and projects. It has been time for thinking and locating myself, and these things that everybody need to do occasionally.
In my absence I have focused on studies and boost my Instagram account, where I'm working too for promote my self and my job.
And oh oh oh ! I have done my first order ! Yes, for a tattoo artist, and this is the logo for facebook and another platforms.

I'm so minimalist for logos and all this stuff, but talking about tattoos it may is a different thing.
Anyway, this design is not mine, it have been created on paper by the artist in question. You can see him on Instagram (@designink13). 

For finishing, I would like to say that today I will have my glasses for reflection of screens and I will be back here, I hope that for a loooong time.
Please, follow or take a look of my pictures at eiretsyh instagram account !
And available orders soon ;)
Thank you very much and let your friends and family know about me !

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